Democracy in Egypt
To begin with In Egypt a lot of people have fought their government because they felt like their rights were being limited. The people wanted Mubarak to step down from being president because he was making life miserable. The more the people were against him the more he shut down Internet connection cell phone connections, and even stopped people from coming into the country. People were not able to go on "Facebook" "Twitter" and many other websites. Mubarak didn't want the kids or adults going on these social networks and tell everyone what was going on in his country. The more strict he was the more the people rebelled against him.The more people rebelled the more he started taking things away from them. Mubarak had finally step down from being president.
The people had protested against poverty, unemployment, government corruption and the rule of President Hosni Mubarak. He has been in power for three decades. On a national holiday, the police forces Egyptians take the streets in large numbers calling it a day of rage. Thousands of people marched in downtown Cairo, heading towards the offices of the ruling National Democratic Party, as well as the foreign ministry and the state television. Similar protests are reported in other towns across the country.After a few hours of relative calm, police and demonstrators clash; police fire tear gas and use water cannons against demonstrators crying out Down with Mubarak in Cairo's main Tahrir Square.
Seems to me nothing really changed in Egypt. The reason I say that is that women in Egypt still don't have any rights. According to the post card from Egypt its stating that women were betrayed and it was time for all women to for a union and fight for their rights because women has feelings just like men do its not fair that men once again can only be president not fair how women has no say in anything. El Saadawi has written forty novels about women and sex which got her fired from the ministry of health.When she writes about the Egyptian presidents she tends to write about the wives. She blames the wives for fracturing the Egyptians women union in the first place. Saawadi states that Jehan Sadat, Suzanne Mubarak wanted to be the leader of the Egyptian feminist movement but they didn't do nothing they said that women has no right because they are not united.Hassan Wassef another Egyptian women states during the revolution they shouted "the people want the fall of the regime", now they need to shout what the men and women want "the fall of the old constitution".She says Egyptian women feel like if they make a women union then the men is going to make a man's union. They don't want to compete they just want to be free women the want to have their own rights be independent.
Things aren't fair in Egypt because both men and women came together to over throw Mubarak but when he resigns women doesn't have any independents no freedom. Egypt is going back to the day where women has to protest and make unions. Egyptian women are becoming the new women suffrage movement. Women in Egypt feel if men can be free, then women should be able to if men want to try and be president then a women should be able to do the same. If men can be independent and can support themselves women should to.Everything is going wrong in Egypt and someone needs to fix it. Some day the rules will be changed and equal. In conclusion I have learned so much that is happening in Egypt.I have learned that the people of Egypt wanted Mubarak to step down because he didn't want to give the people of Egypt democracy. I have learned that the more the people went against him the more he cut off certain things to limit people freedom. I have also learned that soon as Mubarak finally stepped down everyone was happy except for the women because things have changed for Egypt but women dont have their own independence and now women in Egypt are fighting for their freedom just like back in the day. My opinion on all of this is if they they wanted a change they should of made men and women equal. It would make everyone happy.Why let the men be happy if the women can't be happy and free.